Future News
Your diary of future news events
Know where news is going to happen
Get daily alerts of upcoming events
Complied & curated by experts

Future News comprises five databases of scheduled future news events:
World, Middle East, UK General, UK Business, UK Entertainment
Clients can subscribe to any combination of these reports and can search the constantly updated databases by date, region, country, category, keyword, as well as browsing new stories and priority stories.
We also have an archive of past events and a comprehensive contacts database.
Along with access to our databases, users can subscribe to bespoke email alerts which can be sent out at any frequency and cover any time frame and a wide range of topics.
Our databases are available online and are browseable by date, region, country, category, as well as by keywords.
We also provide email alerts, which are sent out daily or weekly – you decide.
Our dashboard allows you to save your searches, so that you can re-use them. This saves time if you have complex search criteria that you need to use again and again.
If you have any questions about FENS and its databases of future news events, please contact us.
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From the start of your working day your customised Press Data service equips you with all you need to know to manage your communication requirements, with support and tools continuously available throughout the 24-hour news cycle